Find an Arbitrator or Mediator

ADR Neutrals, or Alternative Dispute Resolution, is a listing of members of the AIPLA who are willing to be retained as a neutral (e.g., arbitrator, mediator, early neutral evaluator) for disputes involving intellectual property. All have received at least 8 hours of ADR training and have been practicing for a minimum of five years.


For many disputes there are more effective methods of resolution than litigation. When appropriately chosen, alternative dispute resolution procedures, either in conjunction with litigation or independently, can substantially reduce the cost and burdens of litigation and result in solutions not available in court.

Each practicing member of this Association is encouraged to be knowledgeable about alternative dispute resolution processes, and where appropriate, is encouraged to advise the member's clients of the availability, values and characteristics of these alternatives to litigation so that clients can make an informed choice concerning the use of litigation or alternative dispute processes, or both, for resolution of disputes, whether present or prospective.

Please note! This Registry is limited solely to facilitating contact between parties to an intellectual property dispute and AIPLA members willing to be retained to participate in its resolution. The Association does not, in any respect, certify, endorse, screen or train members on the panel listing. The Association will have no liability, responsibility or involvement in attorney-client relationships or ADR proceedings, which may relate in any way to the use of the AIPLA’s Neutral Registry.