The USPTO and AIPLA partnered to provide mentorship to AIPLA members and participants of the USPTO's Empowering Women's Entrepreneurship - a community-focused, collaborative, and creative initiative to encourage and empower more women founders across America. The program included three webinars and one concluding networking event, on March 13, March 20, April 11, and May 8, focusing on Intellectual Property law topics, advice from AIPLA's women entrepreneurs, and the opportunity to participate in a mentoring group of women with varying skills and experiences.

Miss a session?  View the recordings here:

Webinar 1 Recording:  Patents and Trade Secrets
Webinar 1 Resources: IP_Checklist_for_Startups
Webinar 2 Recording: Copyright/Trademark
Webinar 2 Resources: Presentation Slides
Webinar 3 Recording: Women Tell All

Mentoring ClustersAIPLA organized mentoring clusters to offer mentorship to mentees identified through the USPTO’s Women Entrepreneur Initiative (a cluster is a group of 3-4 people, including both mentors and mentees). Apply here if you’d like to participate as a mentor.