IP Practice in Japan

The IP Practice in Japan Commitee works to establish and maintain relations with professional societies in Japan whose members are interested in intellectual property law.

The Committee's members study Japanese law and practice and report on issues of interest to the Association Board of Directors and membership.

Japan (2) web
Japan (1) web

Key Initiatives

  • The Committee's members study Japanese law and practice and report on issues of interest to the AIPLA Board of Directors and membership. 
  • The Committee also provides information on US intellectual property law to any interested party in Japan, if called upon to do so. 
  • The Committee holds a 1.5 day pre-meeting prior to the Annual Meeting in October and the Mid-Winter Institute in January. 
  • In addition, the Committee organizes an annual trip to Japan.

How You Can Participate

Participation is open to all AIPLA members. Become an AIPLA member and login in and join the committee in your profile. Once you join, please visit the Online Community and begin engaging with your peers.