Professional Liability/Cyber Liability Insurance
In This Section
Cyber Liability Coverage
AIPLA is please to announce the addition of Cyber Liability Insurance. This policy offers protection for you and your clients against emerging cyber risk.
NetProtect 360® covers costs related to:
- Privacy rights violations
- Private action if insured fails to comply with any privacy law worldwide or their privacy policy
- Privacy breach notification costs
- Voluntary privacy breach notification response.
Professional Liability/Risk Management Program
The AIPLA Solo Practitioners and Small Firm Professional Liability Insurance Program, as administered by Jamison, and provided through CNA gives AIPLA members access to quality coverage, as well as tailored risk management programs. The Details:
- Firms with 1 to 34 attorneys where 70% of their practice is IP are be eligible.
- Up to $5,000,000 in limits of liability.
- Jamison can help provide excess coverage alternatives over $5,000,000 primary coverage for firms interested in higher limits.
- AIPLA members who attend one of the specially tailored AIPLA risk management CLE online programs below are eligible for up to a 5% discount on their premium. The 5% discount is given on a per attorney basis and only AIPLA members are eligible.
Call 1-800-526-4766 to learn how you and your firm can take advantage of this program today!
2025 CNA IP Webinars: All times are from 2-4 pm ET
- March 27
- June 26
- September 25
- December 11
“Back to Basics: Best Practices for Your IP Setting.”
Client Intake: Managing Your Risk at the Outset of Representation
We will explore the ins and outs of the client intake process, including an in-depth look at the types of intake errors leading to malpractice claims, how to identify potential red flag clients, and how to build and sustain strong intake protocols. Through a combination of professional liability trends and data, real life examples, and professional responsibility developments, you’ll learn about the common pitfalls in this process, as well as best practices to implement in order to help mitigate liability exposure and ensure effective client intake procedures for your firm.Dibble Dabble Double Trouble: Mitigating the Risks of Dabbling In Your Law Practice
In this section, we will define dabbling as it relates to legal services, look at some of the risks of dabbling by attorneys in their practice settings, examine the issue as it relates to incidence of legal malpractice and consider some of the relevant ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct that may be implicated when dabbling. We will also explore specific practice areas that pose a particular threat when dabbling and some best practices to avoid or mitigate the risk of dabbling in your practice.The CNA Lawyers Professional Liability Claims Process
We will discuss the differences between a claim and a potential claim, an insured’s reporting duties, how to provide notice of a claim and how the claims process works. After highlighting the areas of practice with the largest number of claims and the most common errors that lead to claims, we will review actual legal malpractice claims involving CNA insureds. This review will include a summary of how our claims department helped to resolve these claims and an analysis of the risk control lessons to be learned from these real life examples.Recognizing the Complexity of Law Firm Operations and Malpractice Exposures
What does it take to manage a well-functioning and successful law firm and who contributes to that success? In this section, we look a the individuals, entities, and technologies that may positively affect or create legal malpractice risk exposures in a law firm practice. We will explore how support staff impacts the practice, vendors that may be helpful or harmful, and the emerging enigma of artificial intelligence. By assessing your own legal universe and recognizing where the risks exist, you may take steps to avoid legal malpractice minefields in your daily practice.CLE credits have been applied for all states except OR, UT and WV.
For more information, please contact Jamison IP & Specialty Services or visit the webinar registration page.