Membership Categories and Annual Dues
- Regular Member
Persons who have been members in good standing of the Bar of a court of record of the US, any State or Territory, District of Columbia, or the US Patent & Trademark Office for five years or more. Eligible to vote and hold office.
- Solo Practitioner
Solo practitioners and those working in firms with up to two practicing attorneys. Persons who have been members in good standing of the Bar in any US state or territory, including the District of Columbia, or the US Patent & Trademark Office for five years or more. Eligible to vote and hold office.
- Corporate Practitioner
Persons qualified for Regular membership that work as in-house Corporate Counsel.
- Junior
Persons qualified for regular membership except they have been members in good standing of the Bar, as referred to above, for less than five years from the date of their first admission. Eligible to vote, but not to hold office. Junior members automatically become Regular members after five years of membership in good standing of the Bar.
- Associate
Retired Practitioners/persons who shall have been regular members for a period of five years or more, who are no longer regularly engaged in practice of law relating to patents, trademarks, copyrights, unfair competition and other intellectual property and who, on their request, shall have been transferred from regular membership to membership of this class. Associate members shall be entitled to vote but not to hold office.
- Government
Persons qualified for regular or junior membership who are full-time employees of a government. Government members are entitled to the privileges of the membership for which they are otherwise qualified.
- Academic
Full Time Law Professors. Persons qualified for regular or junior membership but who are full time professors in a law school approved by the Association of American Law Schools. Academic members are entitled to the privileges of the membership for which they are qualified.
- Life
Members elected by the Board of Directors who are no longer regularly engaged in the practice of law and who have (i) been members for at least thirty-five years or (ii) been regular members for at least twenty-five years and have attained the age of seventy years. Life members shall be entitled to vote but not to hold office. (Life Member Application) required for approval by Board of Directors.)
- International Affiliate or Registered Foreign IP Attorney or Agent Affiliate
Persons who are not citizens of the US but are regularly recognized as members of the legal profession by the country of their citizenship, (or who are registered to practice before the National Patent and/or Trademark Office in their country of citizenship and/or the European Patent Office). Not eligible to vote or hold office.
- IP Professional Affiliate
Persons who are not qualified for regular, junior, international or USPTO professional affiliate membership, but who are engaged in the field of IP as professionals who negotiate and manage licensing, transactions, and technology transfer of IP assets; perform IP surveying, map or analyze IP portfolios, or have responsibilities with respect to IP for a business entity. Not eligible to vote or hold office.
- Government Affiliate
Persons qualified for foreign affiliate membership who are full-time employees of a government, or persons who are not qualified for membership but are full-time professional employees of a government and whose role or department has responsibilities with respect to IP. Not eligible to vote or hold office
- USPTO Professional Affiliate
Persons who are full-time USPTO patent examiners or other professional employees, but not qualified for regular or junior membership. Not eligible to vote or hold office
- Student Affiliate
Persons who are not a member of any Bar (except for patent agents registered before the USPTO), who are enrolled as candidates for a post-secondary degree from an accredited post-secondary school, and have an interest in intellectual property matters, or who have graduated and received an undergraduate or postgraduate degree within the past year from an accredited post-secondary school. A person remains eligible for a student affiliate membership for up to one year from their date of graduation. If a student affiliate member becomes a member of any Bar within that one-year period, the student affiliate member may request transfer to another category of membership. Not eligible to vote or hold office.
- IP Paralegal/Technical Advisor Affiliate
Persons who are not qualified for regular, junior, foreign, or USPTO professional affiliate membership, but who are engaged in the field of IP substantively supporting the efforts of a person qualified for membership; specifically including technical advisors who assist with drafting patent applications and IP paralegals who assist with preparation of formal filing and litigation documents. Not eligible to vote or hold office.
- Judicial
Persons who are employed full-time as a judge in any court, agency, or office of the US or any state or territory thereof or of the District of Columbia who have an interest in IP law. Not eligible to vote or hold office.
Questions? Contact Member Services at or call us at: 703-415-0780 | M-F 9am-5pm Eastern
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AIPPI-US has approximately 500 members and is managed by AIPLA. Membership in AIPPI-US includes membership in AIPPI International.
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