
  • 400x200 2021 Report of the Economic Survey Thumb The 2021 Report of the Economic Survey is Here!

    September 22, 2021

    The survey examines the economic aspects of intellectual property law practice, including individual billing rates and typical charges for representative IP law services.
  • CNExamCmts-9-21-21-logo AIPLA Submits Comments Regarding the Draft Revision to the Chinese Patent Examination Guidelines (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)

    September 21, 2021

    On September 21, 2021, AIPLA submitted comments to the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) regarding the Draft Revision to the Chinese Patent Examination Guidelines (Draft for Solicitation of Comments). AIPLA provided comments and suggestions on more than fifteen guidelines outlined in a table format for readability. With respect to patent term compensation due to unreasonable delay at the CNIPA, drug patent term extension, and open license, in addition to seeking various classifications, AIPLA submitted a number of suggestions.
  • AmicusBriefUnicolors-8-10-logo UNICOLORS, INC., v. H&M HENNES & MAURITZ, L.P., Docket No. 20-915, amicus brief filed 8/10/2021

    August 10, 2021

    On August 10, 2021, AIPLA filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case, Unicolors, Inc., v. H&M Hennes & Mauritz, L.P. (Case No. 20-915). The brief notes that the Ninth Circuit decision in the case increases the risk to copyright owners in that any erroneous legal conclusions set forth in a copyright application may have draconian repercussions, and if upheld, will likely increase the costs and burdens of copyright litigation. Two courses of action are suggested, including reversing the Ninth Circuit’s decision and recognizing the inherent power of district court judges to determine whether an allegation that a registrant has knowingly included inaccurate facts is reasonably plausible before referring a case to the Register of Copyrights.
  • USPTOFundingLetter-7-29-logo AIPLA Submits Joint Letter Expressing Concern About USPTO Funding in FY 2022

    July 29, 2021

    On July 29, 2021, the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) and the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) submitted a joint letter to Senators Leahy, Shaheen, Tillis, and Moran expressing concern over resources appropriated to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in FY 2022. The letter asserted that it is imperative for the USPTO to receive access to all its fees, urging passage of a funding measure that reflects the intent of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act to fund the USPTO at a level equal to fee collection estimates.
  • PockyAmicus-7-29-logo EZAKI GLICO CO. v. LOTTE INTERNATIONAL AMERICA CORP., Docket No. 20-1817, amicus brief filed 7/29/2021

    July 29, 2021

    On July 29, 2021, AIPLA filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case, Ezaki Glico Co. v. Lotte International America Corp. (Case No. 20-1817). The brief addresses the Third Circuit’s conclusion that product design trade dress is functional, and therefore not protectable, if it is “useful.” The brief also questions the Third Circuit’s displacement of what remained of the traditional rule with principles of the separate doctrine of aesthetic functionality. Moreover, because trade dress is typically associated with ubiquitous products (especially the trade dress that is copied), it is likely that a trade dress owner would be forced to defend its trade dress in the Third Circuit under the new rule.