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Written September 12, 2019

The bi-ennial Report of the Economic Survey is a definitive exploration of the professional characteristics of intellectual property attorneys and patent agents and is one of AIPLA’s most sought-after publications. The survey examines the economic aspects of intellectual property law practice, including individual billing rates and typical charges for representative IP law services. The Economic Survey’s results are often cited in judicial opinions, analyzed by research firms, and used by law firms alike. We've made a number of enhancements to the 2019 Report based on feedback from our members.  As the profession changes over time, we're trying to stay ahead of the curve and capture information that will help our members see how their work experience stacks up with others. Current AIPLA members can access the Report online - for free!

Read the 2019 Report of the Economic Survey. 
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Ariella Gordon




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American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
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