In This Section

The Global Dossier Task Force was created by the IP5 Offices in June, 2012 to modernize the global patent system to simplify the application process and allow for work sharing between IP offices, reducing duplication and reduncancy.


The Global Dossier will be a set of business services, including an integrated on-line web portal/user interface, allowing two-way communication between users and all participating offices, singly or in multiples, with “passive” (database) and “active” (filing, prosecution and management) components.  It will allow users to efficiently access all available information about all applications and patents in the participating offices, and to utilize the electronic services of the offices.

The Global Dossier will be accessible by applicants/patent owners and their representatives, examiners and other Office officials, interested third parties, and the public at large, while limiting access of confidential information to authorized persons.  It will enable communication and collaboration between applicants and examiners, and among examiners in different offices, thereby facilitating the possibility of increased quality, work sharing and acceleration of examination.  Machine translation will be an essential part of Global Dossier.

The Global Dossier is intended to enable and encourage streamlining and improvement of office procedures, including cross-communication and harmonization of procedures among the participating offices, in order to provide the most efficient and cost-effective user environment possible, especially for applications filed in multiple offices.


The Global Dossier Task Force is comprised of 3 representatives from each of the following offices and organizations:

  • IP5 Offices
    • United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
    • European Patent Office (EPO)
    • Japan Patent Office (JPO)
    • Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
    • State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China (SIPO)
  • Industry IP5 Members
    • AIPLA
    • Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)
    • Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA)
    • Korea Intellectual Property Association (KINPA)
    • Patent Protection Association of China (PPAC)
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


  • In January 2015, the second Global Dossier Task Force meeting was hosted by SIPO.  IP5 Industry presented a list of goals which they asked the IP5 Offices to include in their future deliberations of the Global Dossier, while focussing on five main priorities, namely:
    • alerting (of changes to an application status);
    • XML-based provision of all patent application documents;
    • standardisation of applicant names;
    • legal status;
    • proof of concept for inter office data exchange.

Click here for the USPTO website for the Global Dossier Initiative

Click here for the IP5 website for the Global Dossier Initiative.