How to Join a Committee

How to Join a Committee

Joining an AIPLA committee is easy!  Any AIPLA member is eligible to join a committee at any point during their membership. There is no extra charge related to committee membership. 

There are two levels of committee membership, voting and non-voting. 

AIPLA members can join or leave a committee as a non-voting member at any time and there is no requirement to participate.  Being a non-voting member simply adds you to the groups email distribution list so that you are aware of news, opportunities and resources that the committee provides.

AIPLA members can join a committee as a voting member each fall during Committee Open Season which runs between the AIPLA Annual Meeting and January 31.  Being a voting member of the committee allows you to have a voice on committee matters and comes with requirements to attend scheduled meetings and vote on committee business.

There is no limit to the number of committees you can join as a non-voting member.  You can become a voting member of up to to 2 "Practice and Association" committees and up to 3 "Substantive Law" committees.  More information can be found on the committee signup page in your member profile.

View our step-by-step instructions for how to join a committee below. 

1. Sign in by clicking the button in the top-right corner of any page. 
Step 1
2. After signing in, click "Profile".
Step 2
3. Click "My Committees" in the "My Account Details" column.
Step 3
4. Click "Please Click HERE to JOIN or REMOVE Yourself From a Committee".
5. Select the boxes next to the committees you'd like to join, and/or unselect the boxes next to the committees you'd like to leave. 
6. Click "Save" at the bottom of the page.