Sample IP Agreements

Here we maintain a collection of sample agreements relating to intellectual property transactions. Each agreement is annotated to explain the impact of specific provisions contained in the sample agreements. Please note that these agreements are exemplary; a sample agreement included here may not be ideal for every situation. Use them at your own risk.*

You can use the sample agreements in several ways:

  • Go to the IP Agreement Summaries page  (Login Required) to see a brief summary of each sample agreement, and to access the sample agreements (Word format). This page is useful if you are looking for examples of specific agreements (e.g., "I am trying to craft a material transfer agreement, and I want to see an example.")
  • Go to the Index of Provisions page (Login Required) to see a searchable index of agreement provisions. This page is useful if you are looking for examples of specific agreement provisions (e.g., "I am trying to craft an indemnity provision, and I want to see examples from various agreements.")

* Nothing included in the sample agreements or elsewhere on this site should be considered legal advice on the part of AIPLA or any of its members.

Join us for an in-person or virtual day of lively and thought-provoking discussion about various aspects of design patents, hosted at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).  Get insights from USPTO design managers, design patent practitioners, and industrial designers.  No CLE credit is offered for attendance.

Participate virtually or in-person on Thursday, May 9, 2024, from 10:00am - 5:00pm EDT.  There will be a networking opportunity from 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT, following the formal program. 

The event will feature: updates from USPTO leadership and the Director of Technology Center 2900; targeted presentations on the new Design Practitioner Bar, the Supplemental GUI examination guidelines released in late 2023, and important design-related cases from district courts, the PTAB, and the Federal Circuit. The event will also include helpful presentations on changes and anticipated changes in global design law, as well as, tips and tricks for using the updated WIPO Design Database, the new Hague Application direct filing interface, and the USPTO Search Tool. Finally, we will hear an inspirational keynote from entrepreneur Joshua Thurmond, designer and inventor of the LavaBox, portable campfire.


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