Mazour, Eli

Harrity & Harrity, LLP | Partner

Eli Mazour’s practice focuses on helping large technology companies build valuable, high-quality patent portfolios in an efficient manner. Eli has extensive experience in all aspects of patent prosecution, including preparing and prosecuting hundreds of patent applications related to computer software, Internet and e-commerce, telecommunications, networking devices, electronic consumer products, and medical devices.

Eli has particular expertise in developing and implementing innovative patent prosecution strategies for reaching favorable results at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. He also helps clients evaluate existing patent portfolios, identify strategic areas for patenting, and create processes for harvesting disclosures of patentable inventions.

In addition, he has been involved with patent litigation, patent infringement investigations, clearance of products (freedom to operate opinions), and licensing negotiations. As a result, he is keenly aware of the pitfalls to avoid and opportunities to grasp during patent prosecution.

Eli is the creator of the Clause 8 podcast, which features interviews with prominent members of the IP community.

Eli started his patent law career at the law firm of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett, & Dunner.

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