Randall Rader


The Rader Group PLLC

Springfield, VA
Phone: 703-861-6078

Arbitration/Mediation of patent, trade secret, and trademark/trade dress. RANDALL R. RADER, former Chief Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal , Circuit Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (2010-2014),Circuit Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (1990-2010), Federal Trial Judge, United States Claims Court (later Court of Federal Claims) (1988-1990),Chief Counsel, Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittees (1980-1988), Counsel, House of Representatives, Interior and Ways and Means Committees (1975-1980). Since leaving the bench in 2014, Judge Rader has founded the Rader Group, initially focusing on arbitration, mediation, and legal consulting and legal education services. 

Randall Rader CV

Randall Rader Completed Application