Committee Report Guidelines

In This Section

AIPLA currently publishes the eBulletin online three times a year following the Mid-Winter, Spring and Annual Meetings. Reports of Committee meetings are included in each Bulletin. These reports are important to communicate the current issues your committees are considering to the membership-at-large. The "Committee Reports" section of the eBulletin links directly to your individual committee microsites so that members can get the information directly from you. We ask that you post your Committee Report on the homepage of your Committee's microsite.
  • Length: Reports are usually 300-400 words.
  • Timing: AIPLA Headquarters will email all Committee Leaders following each Stated Meeting requesting that they prepare and post their Committee Report. The deadline will be between 4-6 weeks following the conclusion of the meeting.
  • Format: PDF (preferred) or word document 
  • Where to post: On the homepage of your committee microsite. Options:
    • Post a link to it in the main text of the microsite, below the Committee Description
    • Post a link to it in the Committee Announcements webpart on the microsite homepage
    • Post a link to it in the Committee Documents webpart on the microsite homepage
  • Content Guideline: As you know, AIPLA has a Strategic Plan that guides the direction and activities of the Association. To further align the work of the Committees with the strategic objectives of the Association, we have established the guidelines below for Committees to use when preparing reports for each stated meeting, and for inclusion in the eBulletin.

Content Guideline

  1. Committee Name
  2. Committee Leadership
    • List chair, vice-chair, co-chairs, etc.
  3. Vision, Mission and Values
    • Discuss the overall mission of the committee (you can pick this up from the committee charter or microsite)
  4. Strategic Plan
    • Advocacy:  discuss the committee’s activities related to advocacy , please also include cooperation with other committees to support these activities, if any
    • Public Education: discuss the committee’s activities related to public education, please also include cooperation with other committees to support these activities, if any
    • Member Service: discuss the committee’s activities related to member service, please also include cooperation with other committees to support these activities, if any
    • Global Outreach: discuss the committee’s activities related to global outreach, please also include cooperation with other committees to support these activities, if any
  5.  Subcommittee(S)
    • List subcommittees and leadership (if any)