Ethics & Professionalism

AIPLA enthusiastically supports programs at the local, state and federal levels that encourage and address education with regard to ethics and professionalism, whether at the ex parte agency level or inter partes fora.

AIPLA is committed to promoting the education of AIPLA members and the public about professionalism, and improving professionalism and developing and coordinating a wide spectrum of professionalism activities.  AIPLA keeps under constant scrutiny the Code of Professional Responsibility of the corporation and the workings thereof and recommends adoption in due course, any amendments to that Code which may be desirable, together with a report of the reasons for such recommendations.  AIPLA also provides advisory opinions to any active member applying therefore on any question of contemplated professional conduct of such member.  The Advisory opinions rendered are published in the AIPLA Bulletin upon approval by the Board of Directors.